"Thank heaven there is tomorrow. Because there is tomorrow, all our yesterdays have meaning and all our dreams have hope."

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Trial Or Opportunity?

Days like today still happen. That familiar pit in my stomach has returned to share the day with me. It colors the way I see things. It reiterates the importance of life, and in a way it rejuvenates my soul. I am reminded of things I have learned and things I continue to learn.

Last night Jason and I were reading from the March 2010 Ensign. In the article "Learning Through Life's Trials" a paragraph jumped out at me. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it all day. I figured it was something I needed to write down.

Trials give us opportunities to show the Lord and ourselves that we will be faithful. We can choose to feel sorry for ourselves and ask, "Why me?" or we can grow from our trials, increase our faith in the Lord and ask, "How can I be faithful in the midst of this trial?" We can let adversity break us down and make us bitter, or we can let it refine us and make us stronger. We can allow adversity to lead us to drift away from things that matter most, or we can use it as a stepping-stone to grow closer to things of eternal worth.

President Harold B. Lee once remarked: "Sometimes when we are going through the most severe tests, we will be nearer to God than we have any idea."

So, on days like today where the grief is raw and real - I am trying to remember to prove myself and let it refine me.


kristina said...

Thank you Lindsay! I realize that my trials are nothing like yours but that quote is so true and so helpful! Thank you for posting it!

Malia said...

Thanks for chatting with me last night, Lindsay. You always seem to know how to put everything into perspective. I needed this post today and will definitely be reading that article. :) Thanks girl.

Carrie said...

I needed that today. Thanks.

T.Bailey said...

I often think the biggest question in life is exactly what you asked: trial or opportunity? Trials can bring opportunity just like adversity can strengthen you. However, the emotions and feelings you go through before getting to a place where you can honestly ask yourself if what you went through and/or going through is a trial or an opportunity, is not easy. And putting a deadline on how long a trial can last is not in our power.
I have learned from you and Jason that it is okay to hurt, to cry, to mourn, and to be frustrated. I have also learned from the two of you that it is okay to smile, to laugh, and to live even when your heart is still hurting. You two have taught and touched so many lives. I am forever grateful for your examples.