"Thank heaven there is tomorrow. Because there is tomorrow, all our yesterdays have meaning and all our dreams have hope."

Monday, March 30, 2009

Hands of a Family

Last Thursday I received an amazing gift from an amazing family. Last year around this time we received a drawing of Gavin done by an anonymous artist. It is beautiful. It sits on the entertainment center in my bedroom and I literally look at it every single day. The way Gavin is portrayed is peaceful. No tubes. No facial deformities. No struggle or pain. Just the simple beauty of a celestial boy. Just the way a mother sees her son.
Awhile after we received that gift we found out who drew it. We have some wonderful friends from our old ward who have a sister with the amazing talent of drawing - and they asked her to draw a picture for us. The real picture is on the side tool bar of my blog - but this picture has a sweet addition.
Our little Jack's hand has been added in.
I have stared at this picture on and off for the last few days, and I have wondered . . . was Jack with us during the times of pain with Gavin? On that very last day when we held onto Gavin's hand - did Jack know what was happening in his family? Was he one of Gavin's angels much like how Gavin is now his?
So, THANK YOU for this picture. You have no idea the peace your art has given our family.


Natalie said...

What an awesome picture, and what a beautiful gift.

LuDLoW LiFe said...

That is a such a neat picture!

Scott, Amber, and Landon said...

love this drawing. brings tears to my eyes looking at it. i love that it is done in pencil. it makes it look very artistic.