"Thank heaven there is tomorrow. Because there is tomorrow, all our yesterdays have meaning and all our dreams have hope."

Friday, May 14, 2010

A Backyard Project

I guess we decided it was time to take on another massive home project.
The backyard.
The Dreaded Backyard.
When we moved into this house, the previous owners had desert landscaping with a small putting green of artificial grass.
Not exactly kid friendly.
We have plans for this yard.
BIG plans.
Like grass, a bike path, planters and a fire pit area.
But of course, all that takes time and money.
So, we have started a small bit at a time.
Jason's wonderful brother Craig volunteered to come help prepare the yard and set up the sprinkler system.
How awesome is that?!
So as of today, our yard is cleared of desert plants, leveled, top soiled and sprinkler ready.
The sod is being delivered this Saturday.
Can someone remind me why we take on such ginormous projects?

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