"Thank heaven there is tomorrow. Because there is tomorrow, all our yesterdays have meaning and all our dreams have hope."

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Emma Smith : My Story

Ok, I know I promised pictures of China, but our house is in chaos since we are having new floors installed. I promise I will post some pictures this weekend . . . I hope . . .
Last night I went to see the Emma Smith movie with some friends. I loved it so much that I called all of my family and we are going to see it tonight. Mind you, I am NOT a fan of LDS movies . . . videos like the Home Teachers, etc. are just not my thing. (Sorry to all of you who may love them.) However, I did like the Joseph Smith movie at Temple Square and when I read that this movie was somewhat based on that one, I decided that is was worth seeing. I think they did a wonderful job at portraying the life of Emma.
I have always felt like Emma was judged harshly by the rest of us who haven't buried multiple children, watched our husbands be mobbed and then murdered, disowned by our parents and been chased out of our homes. I have a new admiration for everything she had to endure. She is a woman of great faith, strength, endurance, patience and love. Those are traits that I hope to acquire one day.
I just want to share one of the lines from the movie that has stayed in my mind. Joseph and Emma have just buried their first child, Emma's father has told them that they are no longer welcome in his home and Joseph has let Martin Harris have the 116 translated pages which he then loses. Jospeh is working in the garden and you can see the anguish on his face. Emma stops him and says, "No amount of sorrow can make things right. Only God can make it right." I was reminded as I watched the movie that we are asked to do difficult things to strengthen us. Yes, we would like for life to be simple and easy - but trials force us to decide who we will be and how we will face our challenges. I hope I can face my challenges well.

1 comment:

Malia said...

I've felt the same way about Emma. She is absolutely amazing in my eyes. I was worried the movie was going to portray her in a negative light and I'm glad to hear it doesn't. I'm definitely going to be checking it out. Thanks!