"Thank heaven there is tomorrow. Because there is tomorrow, all our yesterdays have meaning and all our dreams have hope."

Monday, March 24, 2008

March Madness

So, this past weekend started the Madness that is March in our home. I have to be honest, I usually look forward to and even participate in the madness. Each year we fill out brackets with both families and it's fun to compete and compare picks. However, after eight hours of non-stop basketball I need to get out and do something else. I just don't know how these boys don't get tired of watching game after game! I am usually a fairly good wife about the basketball madness and last year I even encouraged a weekend in front of the tv when I recommended we stay in and order pizza. That's what a good wife does, right? This year I haven't been quite as supportive (so sorry Jason) but I intend to change. So, Jason, I promise this upcoming weekend will be spent in front of the tv watching games and eating pizza!


alli may said...

I hear you loud and clear!!!

LuDLoW LiFe said...

Congratulations on the exciting news. Good luck with everything and you are in our prayers. I have missed reading your inspirational posts, so i am excited to be back.

Mandy said...

March madness is making me mad! I didnt think we were b-ball fans, but I guess in March everyone is. I have the perfect outing for you. I challenge you and your mom to a tennis match with me and my mom! I've mentioned it to your mom that we should play, so please! come play with us!
Mandy (brown)

I must add the disclaimer that we are really not that good!

Lindsay said...

Mandy -
That sounds like a perfect outing! I will talk to my mom and we will call you guys to schedule a night! Thanks for the invite!
- Lindsay